The Market Leader in Skylight Roof Windows

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Let the Light Shine Through with VELUX Skylights

Installing Velux Skylight or Roof Window on your home can make a difference in how your home feels in having sunlight shining through in your living space. There is also something dreamy in looking up to view the evening sky from the comfort of your home. Your new Velux Skylight or Roof Window provides spectacular unique warmth of colors during the day, and the wonder if you will see that shooting star in the evening.

The Velux sky windows are shown below and provide a vision of what could be placed on the roof.  The Velux system has lots of options and sizes. These products can be installed in all seasons. All installations on Velux Skylights are performed with our skilled trade workers.

Ethical Exteriors have highly skilled customers, many of whom are in the trades. They would prefer to leave this work to the professionals to ensure the installation is done correctly. An in-proper installation can cause havoc in your attic and ceiling when they leak. We take great care in ensuring your skylights are installed correctly to Velux standards. This is important for any Velux warranties.

VELUX is an Energy Star qualified, no-leak skylight with a superior product warranty that includes a no-leak promise. 

A Velux skylight installation will require interior and exterior work on your home.  Use Ethical Exteriors to plan out your design.   

If you would like to check out more about the Velux product line “Click Here“. 

Expert Certified Roofing Installer

Thank you for Visiting our Skylight and Roof Window Products 
We are all about ensuring that your Skylight or Roof Window project is installed to a standard of excellence that is 100% dependable for you and your family. Ethical Exterior’s Code of Ethics is backed by a genuine warranty that includes labor and materials. Over our 25 years of service in the trades, we have seen it all, and we continuously work to do better. Give us a call to find out why we do things right!

Solar Powered "Fresh Air" Skylights

Solar-powered skylights are opened and closed by an internal motor system that is powered by the sun. Each one has a solar panel that collects energy all day and uses it to power the skylight when prompted by a remote control. The Solar Powered “Fresh Air” Skylights work best with VELUX ACTIVE with NETATMO, an operating system that monitors your home’s indoor air quality (including temperature and humidity) and opens or closes your skylights based on the preferences you set.

Electric "Fresh Air" Skylights

Designed for both deck and curb mount installations, the VELUX Electric “Fresh Air” skylight is the perfect daylighting solution for overhead applications. It allows for abundant natural light, and with the touch of a button, opens to let in fresh air. And if you forget to close it, a rain sensor will shut the skylight during inclement weathe

Manual "Fresh Air" Skylights

Designed for both deck and curb mount installations, the VELUX Manual “Fresh Air” skylight enables any home to embrace the best of what nature has to offer. Opening for maximum fresh air, this venting skylight contributes to a home’s proper moisture balance and comfort level by allowing stale, humid air to be released.

Fixed Skylights

VELUX fixed skylights are perfect for visually expanding areas such as hallways, stairwells, and other closed-in, dark spaces that can be transformed with light and sky views. They provide an economical choice in creating a spacious home that is filled with natural light.


Spanning up to 10 feet, the dramatic SkyMax skylight doubles the square footage of standard flat glass skylights – without losing thermal efficiency.

E-Class Skylights

E-Class Skylights deliver more light per opening and install in roughly 1/3 of the time as other skylights thanks to their patented one-piece extrusion. For maximum energy efficiency, E-Class Skylights’ standard glass meets Energy Star requirements and feature condensation control. 

Velux Flat Roof Skylight

Curved Flat Roof Skylights

The VELUX Fixed Flat Roof Skylight is designed for homes with flat or low-pitch roofs to transform and improve virtually any space with daylight.

The ISU top cover with CurveTech glass lets in more daylight, easily drains rainwater, and stands out externally as a modern addition to roof surfaces. Skylight include a 0 – 15° Roof pitch, Deck-mounted, Tempered glass top cover is virtually scratch-proof, providing a durable layer of protection, Insulated PVC Frame, and CFU fixed base unit with laminated glass for added safety, sound control, and thermal protection.

Velux Residential Skylights Design Catalog

Download Your Residential Skylights Catalog

VELUX provides a catalog on their residential skylights catalog – Download it here
Lifetime Limited Roofing Warranty

No Leak Promise On Velux Products

The VELUX deck and curb mounted product family is designated as “The No Leak Skylight.” It carries the new 10-year installation warranty plus 20 years on glass, 10 years on product, and 5 years on shades and controls.

Features include three layers of water protection: advanced LoE3 glass for better energy efficiency, higher visible light transmittance, and improved solar heat gain performance; money-saving pre-finished white frames and sashes; pre-mounted brackets for quick installation of sunscreen shades; a lower roof profile with an updated curved architectural design; and a neutral gray color to blend in with most roof materials and colors.

Ten Year Labor Warrany
Roof Windows Manufactured By Velux and Sold - Installed by Ethical Exteriors